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While roaming the hot summer of Hampton Roads, Virginia one year, one California native and one culinary extraordinaire, yearned for something cool and refreshing but also healthy and invigorating to beat the heat. A pick me up, an energy boost. 

We knew what we were seeking but it was no where to be found. There was not one decent, Acai-tastic bowl on our side of town. In no mood to wait for a savior, we knew what had to be done and thus our journey began. Starting out very small to satisfy a community very big, we took to the task of bringing these amazing bowls to our neighborhood. Acai Best aims at ingredients that'll deliver a swift kick to your mouth and a happy jolt to your gut. 

We know health and nutrition are as important to you as they are to us. We are doing our part to keep providing convenient options that don't compromise taste and style. 


Now serving Charlotte!



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